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Next Level Astrology: Neptune Return and Transits Podcast by Psychic Desiree

Date 5/11/2023
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Will you experience a Neptune return in your lifetime? Maybe not, but this planet's transits through the houses of our natal chart can have a big impact.

A Neptune return in astrology is when the planet Neptune completes an orbit around the sun and returns to the same position it was in at the time of a person's birth. Well, it’s fair to say, none of us will experience a Neptune return in our lifetimes — this typically happens once every 165 years for this slow-moving planet!

Unfortunately, the long transit time of Neptune can make it difficult to understand the influence of Neptune and to utilize its energy in our lives. However, it's important to remember that Neptune transits through several houses during our lifetime, and it is possible to feel its influence as it moves through different parts of our birth chart.

Planet Neptune

The Meaning of Neptune in Astrology

Neptune is one of the outer planets in our solar system and is known for its powerful influence on our spirituality, creativity, and intuition. However, this giant, gaseous planet is often associated with the unknown and can also bring mystery, confusion, and illusions into our lives.

As previously mentioned, it takes Neptune approximately 165 years to complete one orbit around the sun. This means that one Neptune transit lasts around 14 years, and the planet spends approximately 14 years in each zodiac sign it will travel through in your lifetime. Each Neptune transit through a particular house can bring different experiences and lessons into our lives. For example, a Neptune transit through the 1st house can bring a sense of confusion and uncertainty, while a transit through the 5th house may bring a sense of creativity and inspiration. It's important to look at and understand the influence of Neptune in each house and how it may affect us during that time.

During a Neptune transit, it may also be helpful to pay attention to our dreams and intuition. Neptune is associated with the subconscious mind, and its transits can bring up unconscious thoughts and desires. This can be a powerful time for self-discovery and growth, and it's important to pay attention to our inner guidance and follow our intuition.

Planet Neptune

Use Neptune Transits for Growth and Reflection

Here are some suggested areas to look at in your life as they apply to the houses of your Neptune transit:

Reflect on your intuition and psychic abilities: Neptune is associated with intuition and psychic ability, so take some time to reflect on your intuition and psychic experiences. Consider whether you have been experiencing any heightened intuition or psychic ability during this time and consider how you can develop and trust your intuition more.

Reflect on your spiritual and religious beliefs: Neptune is also associated with spirituality and religion, so take some time to reflect on your own spiritual and religious beliefs. Consider whether they have changed or evolved during this time, and whether you have a greater understanding of your place in the universe.

Reflect on your creative and artistic expression: Neptune is also associated with creativity and art, so take some time to reflect on your own creative and artistic expression. Consider whether you have been feeling more inspired or have been more inclined to express yourself through creative outlets.

Reflect on your relationships: Neptune is associated with dissolution, so take some time to reflect on your relationships, both romantic and platonic, and consider whether any of them have ended or changed during this time.

Reflect on your career: Neptune is associated with dissolution, so take some time to reflect on your career and consider whether you have been feeling unsatisfied or have been thinking about making a change.

Reflect on your boundaries and self-awareness: As mentioned before, Neptune is associated with confusion, deception, and illusion. Reflect on yourself, your boundaries, and your motivations. Consider whether you have been feeling confused or deceived by others or by your illusions and consider how you can strengthen your sense of self and your boundaries.

Finally, it's important to remember that Neptune is also associated with deception and confusion. During its transits, it can be easy to fall into a state of illusion and to lose sight of what is real and what is not. To avoid this, it's important to stay grounded and to use our intuition and common sense to navigate through any confusion or uncertainty.

Planet Neptune

In conclusion, while we may not experience a full Neptune transit in our lifetimes, it's still possible to feel the influence of this powerful planet as it moves through different parts of our birth chart. To make the most of these transits, it's important to focus on our spiritual and creative growth, pay attention to our dreams and intuition, and focus on our relationships. With a deeper understanding of Neptune and its transits, we can tap into its powerful energies and use them to bring balance, harmony, and growth into our lives.

It's important to keep in mind that this is a general guide, and your reflection should be tailored to your own unique experience. A professional astrologer can provide more insight into how a Neptune return may affect an individual based on their unique chart.

Visit the Psychic Source Guide to Astrology for even more information about the Planet Neptune!


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Desiree has been a lifelong student of all things metaphysical, from tarot cards to astrology, and all other forms of divination. She has weathered one Saturn return and about to face her second, plus she's a Capricorn rising, so she has a particular interest in Saturn.

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