Harnessing Mercury Retrograde for Holiday Decluttering and Organizing
Date 1/7/2025

Mercury retrograde is a well-known astrological phenomenon during which the planet Mercury appears to reverse its motion through the sky. In reality, Mercury is speeding past the Earth during the retrograde season, thanks to its smaller orbit closer to the sun. But Mercury's momentum, combined with this bizarre visual trick, can make things a bit topsy-turvy here on Earth.
Mercury retrograde is associated with strange glitches in technology, transportation, and communication. It also tends to bring up past issues, abandoned projects, and forgotten programs, making it the perfect time to reflect, revisit, and rethink. So although it's a terrible time to travel, this period is perfect for settling in at home and renewing your personal space.
This year's holiday retrograde takes place from Nov. 25 to Dec. 15, creating the perfect atmosphere for organizing, decluttering, and preparing for the year ahead.
Remember Your Goals
Mercury retrograde is a perfect time to revisit your goals. What are the top three things you want to achieve this month? This year? This decade? If you don't have a clear vision of where you're headed, settle in for some inspired meditation and let Mercury help you figure it out.
This astrological alignment is also great for helping memories resurface. Don't be surprised if you’re reminded of the half-written memoir you need to complete or the curtain fabric you purchased and never used.
The trick now is to simply write down your goals and aspirations. Create a bunch of to-do lists and figure out schedules. But wait! Don’t pull the trigger until Mercury retrograde is over. This is only the planning phase.
Rethink Your Possessions
Falling at the beginning of the holiday season, the final Mercury retrograde of 2024 is ideal for decluttering your home, car, office, and life. Follow Marie Kondo's philosophy and focus on keeping only those items that spark joy. During the retrograde period, keep a few boxes handy. Designate them for trash, donation, or sale. Drop in items as you do your holiday cleaning, and you may be surprised by how much you can get cleared out with minimal effort.
Since mix-ups occur often during retrograde, hold off on disposing of these items until the new year. You’ll avoid miscommunications about where they're going and provide ample time for other household members to rescue any items they’d like to keep.
Review Your Systems
What systems do you have in place for your routine tasks? Though communication gets wonky during Mercury retrograde, this period can stir up some out-of-the-box thinking and spark fresh ideas. Harness the reflective nature of the retrograde to do a deep dive into your habits. Think about what you do each day and why.
Do you rummage through your closet and end up going to the laundry room to get the clothes you need every morning? Consider choosing and laying out your clothing the night before. If you like to purchase a pricey coffee on the way to work, think about what you could do with the extra cash if you started making your coffee at home.
Brainstorm the new and novel things you might try in the new year, and reorganize your space to facilitate those changes. For example, you might designate a place to put your clothes for the day ahead or restock your coffee area for home prep.
Reflect on Your Space
Take a tour of your home as though you're visiting for the first time. This is a handy trick around the holidays because it helps you see what your guests experience upon entering your home. Consider the flow of energy, the use of color and texture, the placement of photos, and the general ambiance of the space. Does it feel open and welcoming or closed-off and stuffy?
But don’t just prepare for holiday gatherings. Try to make lasting positive changes to your home. Instead of hiding your mess in a spare closet, find permanent spots for your belongings so your home is always fresh and tidy—and ready for a holiday party or two!
Return to Your Center
It's just as important to declutter your spiritual energy as it is to clean up your space.
The wild energy of Mercury retrograde might inspire you to make big plans and pursue exciting changes. While this is a good season to let your imagination run ahead, it's also important to physically cleanse your energy and return to your center.
One simple way to do this is to make a little extra time into your day for grounding. Feel the natural energy from the Earth's core flowing up into one foot, through your body, and out through your other foot.
As the energy passes through you, allow it to wash away anything that's mucking up your system. Visualize those stuck resentments, lingering frustrations, and tiny fires of anger flowing away into the Earth while fresh, pure energy takes their place.
Once you're renewed and refreshed, you can work on your surrounding environment with a clear head. If you're new to this practice, working with a skilled psychic might help.
Reimagine the Future
As the year comes to a close, the holiday season is the perfect time to reflect on your plans for the coming season.
Consider how you'd like to live your ideal day, week, or month. Would you like to spend more time meditating? Organize a corner of your bedroom to serve as a meditation space. Do you want to prepare a superfood bowl for breakfast every morning? Empty your cabinets, and rearrange them so there's a shelf with oats, nuts, dried fruit, and other goodies. Actively create the right space for the life you want to launch in the new year.
While Mercury retrograde can throw some curveballs at you, it also provides a slightly manic energy that's great for preparing things for the future. Channel this energy toward creating a clean home for the holidays and setting up a space that will bring your 2025 resolutions to fruition.