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Crystal Healing Therapy

Explore the power of crystal healing for holistic well-being

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Explore the power of crystal healing for holistic well-being.

Crystals are widely used in various spiritual and religious practices, and they are also a fundamental component of an alternative medicine system called crystal healing therapy.

Healing crystals can be used to stabilize vibrations within a person's energy field, to clear and balance blocked chakras, and to heal a host of other ailments within the body, mind, and spirit.

Keep reading to learn the stone-cold facts about this alternative holistic therapy technique, including what to expect from a crystal therapy session and how to benefit from the metaphysical properties of crystals in your everyday life.

what is crystal healing

What Is Crystal Healing?

Crystal healing is a technique that uses crystals and other stones as conduits to fix energy imbalances within the body. Our energy healing experts use crystal therapy alone or in combination with other types of energy healing practices, like reiki.

Different types of stones and crystals are believed to have different healing properties for various parts of the body. For instance, crystal healers use green stones like malachite to address energetic blocks in the heart chakra.

Gemstone treatments may involve placing crystals directly on the body or placing them beneath the patient's pillow as they sleep. Healing crystals can also be worn as pendants, rings, bracelets, or anklets for constant access to their benefits.

Those who regularly receive crystal therapy report feeling healthier and more in tune with themselves after each healing session. However, it's important to note that crystal healing and other alternative therapies should be used in conjunction with mainstream medicine rather than as a replacement.

what is crystal healing

What Is Crystal Therapy Used For?

Healing crystals are used to address energy imbalances within the body and to heal certain physical and spiritual ailments. Our energy healers are experts in bringing balance back to your energetic field and using crystals to get the following benefits:

What to Expect from a Crystal Healing Session

Crystal healers usually start their sessions by asking questions about your current physical, emotional, and mental state, as well as what inspired you to call them. They will use your responses to determine which crystals are best suited to your needs, as well as the healing techniques that will work best for you.

Your crystal expert may suggest that you apply different stones to the various energy points on your body. These points usually correspond to the seven chakras.

In order from bottom to top, these are:

  • Root. Associated with the color red, this chakra deals with your core self, physical safety, comfort within your body, and connection to the natural world.
  • Sacral.The sacral chakra is represented by orange crystals and governs creativity, sexuality and sensuality, playfulness, and desire.
  • Solar Plexus. This is the seat of the ego, personal action, courage, and accomplishing tasks, and is associated with yellow crystals.
  • Heart. The heart center vibrates with green crystals and rules over love, forgiveness, and grief.
  • Throat. Associated with blue crystals, the throat chakra deals with speaking, authenticity, sharing your voice, and being open with your thoughts and ideas.
  • Third Eye. Represented by deep blue and indigo crystals, the third eye chakra is the ruler over the intuition, judgment, and self-awareness.
  • Crown. The crown chakra is the seat of spirituality, inner peace, oneness with the universe, and connection to the Divine. Purple crystals are used to connect to the crown chakra.

Depending on your needs our psychic Advisors may recommend wearing a certain type of crystal on your body so the healing can continue after your call. Many proponents of crystal healing report feeling relief from their symptoms after a single session.

Which Crystals Have Healing Powers?

Certain crystals and semi-precious stones have healing properties that make them particularly useful in alternative therapy practices.

Many crystals are associated with healing physical aches and pains. Other crystals are said to have the power to heal troubles of the heart and mind.

Here are a few of the most popular healing crystals and the primary benefits of each stone.

rose quartz

Rose Quartz

A lovely pink crystal that is often made into jewelry, rose quartz is both one of the most popular and most powerful healing crystals. One of the properties that makes rose quartz so popular for healing is that it is strongly associated with trust. People who regularly work with healing crystals believe that rose quartz can help people overcome feelings of betrayal and ease a broken heart.

Rose quartz is also the crystal of unconditional love. Many parents gift their children with rose quartz to make them feel loved no matter where they are. Rose quartz crystals are also placed in children's bedrooms and nurseries to help little ones feel comforted as they sleep and to ward off bad dreams.



Amethyst is a powerful protective gemstone and one of the most popular crystals used for healing. It can also impart strong protective energies and is thought to boost willpower, making it a good choice for focus and increasing the attention span.

clear quartz

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is considered the "master healing crystal" because it can vibrate on all energetic frequencies within the body. Crystal healers use it as a conduit to direct energy throughout the body to address blockages and banish negative influences.

If you're worried about falling ill while traveling and can only bring one crystal along, clear quartz is a strong choice due to its versatility and ability to interact with all forms of energy.



Usually a milky white stone with a pearlescent sheen, moonstone is believed to galvanize inner strength and promote growth.

Moonstone is a terrific choice for new beginnings and is often given to people who are experiencing major life transitions, such as marriage, divorce, changing careers, or moving across long distances.



Vibrant red rubies are believed to promote sensuality and sexuality and may also increase self-esteem and confidence. The color red is associated with the root chakra, which lies within the pelvis at the base of the spine.

black obsidian

Black Obsidian

This jet-black stone is thought to have protective properties specifically related to emotional processing. It aids in the release of negative energies associated with troubling experiences and can help people let go of obsessions or looping thoughts. These properties make obsidian a popular choice for emotional healing for people experiencing a break-up.

tigers eye

Tiger's Eye

Tiger's eye is a striking stone characterized by gleaming, multidimensional bands of brown and gold. It's a strong motivating stone that is thought to inspire bravery and banish fear.

lapiz lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

This deep blue stone is sometimes called the "Truth Seeker." Its indigo hue corresponds to the third eye, the chakra that rules intuition, reflection, and self-awareness.

These stones are often used to heal blockages related to mental clarity and insight. They may be recommended for patients who are struggling to trust their own decisions or feel paralyzed by choice.

How to Incorporate Crystals into Your Everyday Life

While consulting a crystal healer can be a rewarding and even life-changing experience, you can reap the benefits of crystal power in simple ways on your own. Here are just a few ways you can use crystals in your everyday life to promote emotional and spiritual balance and well-being.

incorporate crystals into your daily life

Charging Your Crystals

Crystal healers regularly "charge" their crystals to maintain the stones' powers. This is traditionally done during the full moon, due to the increased spiritual energy associated with this moon phase.

Crystals can be placed in a selenite dish for charging. Selenite is a translucent gem most commonly associated with removing negative or stagnant energy, purification, and cleansing. Selenite is also closely associated with the moon, which makes it a great choice to enhance any moon-related ritual.

Brief History of Crystal Therapy

While there is no scientific evidence that crystal healing works, crystals have been a mainstay in Chinese traditional medicine and other alternative medicine practices for thousands of years. Ancient societies in Greece, China, Egypt, and elsewhere practiced crystal-powered holistic therapy treatments to remove negative energy from the body, cure ailments, and promote mental and spiritual balance.

Crystal healing proponents argue that the mental clarity and other positive effects they and their clients feel after a session go beyond the possibility of a placebo effect. That said, crystals should not be used to replace any medical treatment for a diagnosed health condition.

Charging Your Crystals

Crystal Healing: Final Thoughts

Polished crystals are more than just beautiful stones; they can also be powerful tools to promote well-being and help us connect to our higher spiritual selves.

The healing energy of crystals has been felt by practitioners all over the world, for hundreds and hundreds of years. Whether worn, carried, placed in the home, or used in a healing ritual, crystals are among the most treasured tools used in energy work due to their varied protective and healing properties.

To learn more about how crystal healing work can benefit your life and help address mental, physical, and emotional ailments, contact a certified crystal therapy practitioner.

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