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Mystical Symbols and Their Meanings

Date 3/21/2023
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Metaphors, Mystic Symbols and Meanings

Throughout history, symbols have served as powerful guides, conveying deep messages from the universe in simple, understandable forms. The meanings behind these metaphors can provide us with insightful guidance when we're seeking understanding for a particular situation. See what these mystic symbols can tell you.

Open Your Mind to Answers

Carefully consider the situation that you're seeking guidance on. Each symbol has different meanings depending on its application. Take a moment of meditation to see which one is speaking to you right now.


Take three deep breaths, relaxing into your chair


Close your eyes.


Take another deep breath, clearing your mind.


Focus on the purpose you're seeking.


Open your eyes and gaze at the symbol chart. Don't engage in any active thought about these images. Simply wait peacefully for a few breaths to see which one you're drawn to.

What are you seeking guidance on?

(choose one focus below)

Choose a symbol that speaks to you

Purity and honesty are of the utmost importance right now. Make sure you're exhibiting these, and love will follow.
Metaphoric of new beginnings, this is a sign that a new love may enter your life, or your current relationship will soon deepen to a new level.
An acorn is a metaphor for growth. Your love life is ready to begin blooming into a strong tree.
The lotus flower is a metaphor for patience. Don't rush forward into love, but wait peacefully and your heart's desire will find you.
Curious about mystical symbols? A Tarot Reading is full of mystic symbols which metaphorically represent your past, present and future. Get a reading with one of our psychics to delve deeper.

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ljkoolone: I want to use this service. BUT I am NOT happy about being disconnected while speaking with an advisor that cost me 393.00, which was paid in advance. THAT should NEVER HAPPEN to anyone, especially a GOOD CUSTOMER LIKE ME. Linda Jones. 12/27/49.