Your angels are always here to help in good times and in bad.
When situations turn into addictions it can get out of control and create issues with our psyche's. It’s scary feeling that trapped or compelling feeling to stop something that you just can't seem to stop. Addiction is very real. No one truly wants to be addicted to anything including another person. Love addictions are often left out of true addiction categories. We're going to discuss how angels help with addictions in ways you may have never considered.
First, I would like to start with my own journey in addictions to help set the stage for the conversation we are having in this article.
My Own Personal Addictions
I am no stranger to a few past and current addictions. My reason for being vulnerable is to offer a commonality which can comfort you in understanding that anyone can fall down and yet still get up. I've already confessed to a past alcohol addiction in my Drunk Texting article here on Psychic Source. In addition to the above, I had an illness 15 years or so ago which threw me bedfast for 3 years. I had gained over 200 pounds at the time, but I am happy to say I have returned to a normal, healthy weight again. If serious-minded, a person can literally do anything they set their mind to. My help has always been in angel guidance, calling on a source higher than self, as it's often impossible to do it without that source.
My current addiction is retail therapy. I buy too many unnecessary things I never use and then give them away. I suppose I have a giving addiction too. Despite being told that giving is better than receiving, I often feel it to be an addiction and take it a bit too far. I am currently conquering this addiction; it’s coming under control, but it is yet to be in full control.
Where Does the Real Help Come From?
Here are several examples on how our precious angels help us on a road to any addiction.
First, know and understand that in almost all cultures angels are considered our divine helpers. It's reasonable to understand that the first step here is knowing that it's a sure thing. Thank the angels NOW in a big way because we will certainly be in touch at some point in the future with our beloved helpers.
An angel’s nature is merciful and loving, peaceful in nature but also fierce warriors when need be. They'll reach into any battle and fiercely protect you, but it's also important to understand the literal sheer power you will get with an angel’s assistance.
Calling on the angels on a regular, natural basis is super-empowering. Know they always guide and fight for us. Two angels you may find yourself drawn two are Raphael and Gabriel.
Raphael a healing archangel and is a perfect one to reach out to in any healing need. Gabriel then can be called on to purify your energy. Gabriel is an archangel of clarity, so he can help you in seeing more into the issue offering true signs and guidance for you to discern and to act on.
Angels also ward off bad energies, protect us from harm, embolden and strengthen us, so the more you study on angels you will certainly have a power to protect yourself and lead a much happier life. You can also call on these same angels for someone else with an addiction. Angels are divine, they are our loving guardians and truly live by all divine laws. They deliver messages via signs, heart feelings, and/or energy so that they can truly lead you in the right way.
Before addiction becomes unbearable, remembering to call on your angels is key. In addition, having others such as a psychic advisor or others you trust available will go a long way towards controlling addiction before it takes control over you. Trust in your support system and your angels!
bosoxgal25: Ty for reminding us to invite our angels to help every single day! No shame in that!