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Using Pendulums for Spirit Communication

Date 10/14/2024

If you’re interested in spirit communication but are new to mediumship, you’ve come to the right place! Using tools, like a pendulum, can be an excellent way for beginners to dip their toes into the fascinating world of mediumship without feeling overwhelmed. A pendulum can act as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, offering you a simple yet effective way to connect with spirits.

This method allows you to test your comfort level with the other side, while still gaining meaningful insights and answers from departed loved ones, angels, spirit guides, or even your higher self. By starting with a pendulum, you can ease into spirit communication at your own pace, discovering how the energy flows and building trust in your connection to the other side.

Quartz pendulum

Are Pendulums Safe?

 One of the biggest concerns when it comes to mediumship or spirit contact is safety. Many people worry about the risk of possession, hauntings, or accidentally connecting with negative entities, which can understandably be discouraging. While some argue that any interaction with the spirit world carries danger, in both my personal and professional opinion, as long as you’re willing to do a bit of protection work, you’ll be well-guarded and protected.

Pendulums, in particular, are one of the gentler ways of exploring mediumship. Pendulum use is not nearly as intense as other forms of mediumship —there’s no need to enter a trance state or feel spirit energy for example—and pendulums offer a more relaxed, approachable way to make contact with spirits. This makes them an excellent choice for beginners in the world of metaphysics or for anyone with an interest in communicating with the other side.

Prior to beginning your pendulum work, I advise that you set any protections you feel aligned with, and prepare your space if possible. In my article, A Complete Guide to Psychic Protection and Psychic Self-Defense, there’s numerous examples on how to protect your energy, from shielding and crystals to grounding, as well as how to cleanse and protect your space. I’d make sure to perform some sort of energy protection prior to any mediumship work, so that if you have any empathic tendencies, or any areas that you may be vulnerable to attack, that you’re thoroughly protected. While using a pendulum is relatively safe even without protections, whenever you’re engaging with the spirit world, it can be smart to be cautious.

Who Controls the Pendulum?

 A common question when it comes to using a pendulum in mediumship is: who’s really controlling the pendulum? Is it the spirit you’re contacting, or is it you—your higher self working through your subconscious? The answer, surprisingly, is both! It all depends on your intention, how you set up your pendulum session, and who you’re reaching out to. Spirits can absolutely manipulate the pendulum directly, but they can also influence your energy and subconscious, which then affects the pendulum's movement. If you're asking questions to your guides, angels, or higher self, you’re likely connecting through your subconscious—and that doesn't make the answers any less meaningful. It’s still a valid and powerful way to receive guidance.

Spirit connection 

Picking Your Pendulum

There’s no magic formula for picking the perfect pendulum—it’s really all about what feels right to you. You don’t need to go to a specialty shop to find one either! It’s all about what you resonate with. You might be drawn to a pendulum because of the energy you feel from it, the way it sits in your hand, or simply because it’s visually appealing. And here’s the best part: a pendulum doesn’t have to be something specifically made as one! Anything that hangs from a chain or string can work, as long as it’s somewhat balanced and can swing freely. Ideally, it should have equal weight, but that’s more of a preference than a hard rule. The key is choosing something that you connect with and feel comfortable using. If you have a necklace or pendant that you love, or an ornament that’s well balanced – those can be used as pendulums!

Many people prefer crystal pendulums because of the unique vibrations and energies they bring to a session. Clear quartz is a popular choice due to its amplifying and intensifying properties, making it great for boosting the connection. If you’re looking to work with gentle, loving energies, rose quartz is a fantastic option. Amethyst is another favorite, known for enhancing psychic abilities and helping to create a clear, open channel for spirit communication.

If protection is a priority, onyx or black obsidian are excellent choices, as they help shield your energy during the session. Selenite is ideal for connecting with higher frequencies and beings from higher realms, like angels. That said, you don’t have to stick to crystals—metal pendulums or even basic materials such as plastic can be just as powerful IF they resonate with you. Trust what you’re drawn to!

Different types of pendulums

Cleansing Your Pendulum

Cleansing your pendulum is one of the first steps you should take before using it or attempting to contact entities or spirits. You can cleanse your pendulum in a few ways! You can smudge your pendulum - using sage or palo santo (or your favorite incense) and engulf the pendulum in the smoke as a way of clearing it. You can use a stone like citrine to help cleanse the pendulum – placing the pendulum in a small bag with a citrine stone can help clear the pendulum or any residual energies.

Sunlight can cleanse pendulums – placing your it in direct sunlight for 4-5 hours can cleanse the pendulum (avoid placing certain crystals, like amethyst and fluorite, in direct sunlight, as it can remove their colors). Using moonlight can be a very safe way of cleansing your pendulum if you have crystals that are sensitive to sunlight, and is safe for all types. Lastly, you can use visualization and energy shielding to cleanse your crystal! Visualize a bright white cleansing and healing light (like sunlight hitting fresh snow) engulfing your pendulum. Hold it in your hands, and envision the light engulfing your hands, the pendulum, and radiating outwards. Do this until you feel an energy shift within the pendulum. This may take several minutes.

How to Hold Your Pendulum

The best way to hold your pendulum is by gripping it lightly at the top of the chain or cord, especially if it has a ball, notch, or bead at the end. This helps prevent you from unintentionally influencing the pendulum's movement. Use just the tips of your fingers for a gentle hold, allowing the pendulum to swing freely below your hand. For beginners, a helpful position is to rest your elbow on a stable surface, like a table, and hold the pendulum straight up. This minimizes any unwanted movement and gives you a clearer sense of the pendulum’s natural flow. If you're working with your guides, higher self, or angels, try placing your other hand, palm up, beneath the pendulum. This can introduce more of your own energy into the session, enhancing the connection and creating a more focused, powerful interaction.

Getting To Know Your Pendulum

Before using your pendulum for spirit contact, one of the most important steps is establishing a connection with it. You need to understand how to communicate with the pendulum and interpret the responses it gives you. After cleansing your pendulum, hold it still in a vertical position and ask (either out loud or in your mind), "Show me yes." Give it a moment, and you should start to see it move. Take note of the direction—it’s telling you how it will indicate a "yes" answer.

Once the movement slows, stop the pendulum and repeat the process by asking, "Show me no." The pendulum will move in a different direction, showing you how it responds to "no." It's important to do this at least three times to confirm consistent results. If the pendulum doesn’t show the same response each time, try cleansing it again.

You can also ask your spirit guides to assist in this process by helping the pendulum swing more clearly or providing more intense movements for clarity. The more you practice, the stronger the connection will become, making it easier to trust the messages you receive. Establishing this bond ensures that the responses are accurate and aligned with your intentions.

It's important to regularly hold and interact with your pendulum. Don’t hesitate to play with it, touch it, and engage with it often. The more time you spend connecting with your pendulum, the stronger and more accurate your bond will become. This connection helps fine-tune your pendulum's ability to provide clear answers during your sessions.

Try keeping it close—whether that’s by holding it, wearing it as a piece of jewelry, or even carrying it in your pocket. By keeping it near you, you allow your energy to blend with the pendulum, which strengthens your connection over time. This process of bonding with your pendulum is usually easy and doesn’t take long, but the more consistently you interact with it, the more precise and aligned it will be in helping you with your spiritual work.

Pendulum board

Contacting Spirits with a Pendulum

 Hold your pendulum in your hand, settle into a comfortable position, and take a few slow, deep breaths. Clear your mind of any distractions and focus your attention on the energy or entity you want to connect with. If possible, ease yourself into a light meditative state—this will help you stay fully focused on your intention and more aware of any subtle changes within or around you. The more relaxed and centered you are, the stronger your connection with the pendulum and the spirit world will be.

 Ask your guides to join you and be present during your session. Personally, I like to ask them to act as gatekeepers, protecting the space and blocking any unwanted or negative energies or spirits. You can also use your pendulum to communicate directly with your guides if you don't have a specific person or spirit in mind.

It’s best to have a clear intention of who or what energy you want to contact. Be specific and call out the individual, entity, or energy by name. Asking general questions like, "Is anyone there?" or "Are there any spirits present?" isn’t advisable. Spirits are everywhere, and it’s highly likely that one is always around. But you don’t want to open the door for just any spirit to communicate with you. Think of it like leaving the front door to your house wide open and shouting, "Hey, everyone! Come on in!" While you might meet some friendly, fun people, not everyone who enters will have positive or good intentions.

That’s why it’s crucial to be clear about who you want to communicate with. If possible, visualize the person or entity you're trying to reach, as imagery is the language of the universe and spirit. Pay attention to any subtle shifts in temperature, energy, or sensations in your body, as these can be signs that a connection is forming. Spirits with personal ties to you, such as your guides, angels, ancestors, or crossed-over loved ones, are often easier to reach because they are already connected to you. Their energy is familiar, which can help create a stronger and clearer link during your session.

 If you find yourself in a space that feels haunted or if you're looking to explore more “investigative” mediumship, it’s highly recommended that you take extra time to put stronger protections in place. This includes cleansing both your space and your personal energy before you begin. Even in these situations, it’s important to be specific about who you’re trying to contact. Instead of casting a wide net, ask targeted questions like, "Are there any spirits connected to this building that would like to communicate?" or "Are there any human spirits in this area that wish to speak?" The more specific your requests, the more focused the responses you’re likely to get through your pendulum.

If you’re working with your guides, they can help strengthen the boundaries of the session, making sure only the energies you invite come through. Additionally, you can ask your guides to amplify the responses from the spirit world, making it easier for you to understand the answers.

Once you’ve made contact with the spirit or entity, feel free to ask your questions! There are no right or wrong questions—just follow your intuition and let the conversation unfold naturally. Remember, the more you trust the process and the connection, the clearer the communication will be.

What Questions Can You Ask a Pendulum?

A pendulum is a wonderful tool, but it’s also limiting in its communicative/responsive abilities. Pendulums are wonderful for yes, no, and maybe answers, but can be more tricky when it comes to more complicated answers. If you want a bit more in depth information or answers, it may be worth it to invest in a pendulum chart, or make one yourself!

Pendulum charts sit below the pendulum, and have multiple answers written on them. However, pendulum charts often take time to adjust to and begin working with, and not all entities or energies will use the chart effectively. If you’re going to use a pendulum chart, it’s best to use it in ADDITION to any pendulum work you do, not alone. Test your pendulum to make sure that the answers you’re getting are true, if not, cleanse, connect, and try again.

Silver pendulum

How to End a Pendulum Session

Ending a pendulum session is just as crucial as starting one! Once you’ve completed your questions, take a moment to express gratitude to the spirit or energy you’ve been communicating with. Gratitude plays a key role in the energy exchange, so it’s important to acknowledge and thank the person or entity that connected with you. If you’ve received any meaningful insights, be sure to write them down right away, or confirm any final details you want to remember.

After you've wrapped up the communication, gently hold the pendulum, take a few deep breaths, and allow yourself to return to a more grounded, present state. It’s essential to bring your energy fully back into the moment, especially after connecting with the spiritual realm. You may choose to cleanse your pendulum at this point, or wait until later if that feels right for you—but be sure to cleanse it before using it again to clear any lingering energies.

Additionally, some like to close their session by visualizing a shield of protective energy around themselves, sealing off any connection with the spirit world until they’re ready to engage again. This extra step can help ensure that you maintain clear boundaries and preserve your own energy moving forward.

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