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Customer nstaff Ratings & Reviews

83 Reviews

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Psychic Angelica x9393 stars Phone Reading

For a short reading she was good, has a very personable aura & she was informative/ quick not in a rush type of why definitely put my mind at ease..


Psychic Aviva x3276 stars Phone Reading

For a short read, wasn’t bad, she picked up on the energies very well definitely should give her a try thank you!!


Psychic Vesper x4798 stars Phone Reading

She’s Good…


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Adan x3018 stars Phone Reading

Not much of a connection for me.


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Roxanne x3051 stars Phone Reading

This will make 3years. I’ve called once every year since me my poi split cause I know free will is at play & given the situation ect. it has been the same reading but nothing has happened....


Psychic Judy x7975 stars Phone Reading

No connection


Psychic Dawn x9187 stars Phone Reading

Didn’t feel a strong connection but just the way she delivered her message/tone was was very nice/sweet what I needed at that moment


Psychic Bernadette x3445 stars Phone Reading

Didn’t feel a connection...


Psychic Nirvana x3405 stars Phone Reading

Somethings said were accurate other were not. Other things sounded believable but time will tell on those if they pan out wasn’t a bad read.


Psychic Thalia x3344 stars Phone Reading

Work related matter ok connect, relationship wise confusing/no connection for me..