Psychic Predictions Survey

Updated: January 5, 2023
by Psychic Source

A World Beyond Our Ordinary Senses

Key Takeaways

  • 92% of psychics predict we will have a woman president within the next 25 years.
  • 50% of psychics predict a successful global transition to 100% renewable energy in the next 25 years.
  • 53% of psychics predict we will see a decline in deforestation rates over the next 25 years.
  • 95% of psychics agree humans are currently going through a massive shift in global consciousness.

What does our future hold?

These days, news headlines and social media updates seem to relay nothing but bad news. From wars and natural disasters to political unrest and climate change, the constant feed of information can be overwhelming. How can one find peace of mind among such confusion and negativity?

To help bring insight into these challenging times, we surveyed 100 psychics from Psychic Source and asked them about their thoughts and predictions for the future. Our survey included, but was not limited to, empaths, tarot readers, energy healers, astrologers, shaman, and career psychics. Psychic abilities included empathic abilities, clairvoyance, telepathy, and psychokinesis, among others. Let’s find out how these psychics envision the future.

Psychic Type Assessment

Which psychic ability do you possess?

87% Empathic Abilities
80% Clairvoyance
77% Clairsentience
66% Clairaudience
59% Mediumship
41% Telepathy
20% Psychometry
6% Psychokinesis
Source: 2022 Survey

What kind of psychic do you identify as

What kind of a psychic do you identify as?
psychic hand
Source: 2022 Survey

Global progression or global protection?

One of the biggest battles being fought on the world stage is the struggle between progress and environmental protection. Climate change crises, air quality alerts, species on the verge of extinction, and natural disasters fill the news. What do psychics see for the future of Earth?

Environmental & Worldly Predictions

Do you believe things will get worse before they get better?

do you believe things will get worse before they get better?

Will deforestation rates continue to decrease or increase over the next 25 years?

Will deforestation rates continue to decrease or increase over the next 25 years?
Source: 2022 Survey

Will there be a successful global transition to 100% renewable energy within the next 25 years?

Will there be a successful global transition to 100% renewable energy within the next 25 years?

Will we see a rise in carbon-negative countries over the next 25 years?

Will we see a rise in carbon-negative countries over the next 25 years?
Source: 2022 Survey

It isn’t all doom and gloom for the planet though. Over the next 25 years, 53% of psychics predicted that deforestation will decrease, 50% predicted a global transition to 100% renewable energy, and 76% predicted a rise in carbon-negative countries.

Will we be able to communicate with dead relatives via virtual reality within the next 25 years?

Will we be able to communicate with dead relatives via virtual reality within the next 25 years?

Will we possess the ability to have conversations with animals within the next 25 years?

Will we possess the ability to have conversations with animals within the next 25 years?
Source: 2022 Survey

Will we be able to upload our consciousness to the cloud in the next 25 years?

Will we be able to upload our consciousness to the cloud in the next 25 years?

Are we going through a massive shift in global consciousness?

Are we going through a massive shift in global consciousness?
Will we be able to upload our consciousness to the cloud in the next 25 years? Are we going through a massive shift in global consciousness?
Source: 2022 Survey

Perhaps most encouraging, 95% of psychics agree that humans are currently going through a massive shift in global consciousness. With our minds more focused on benefiting the entire world and not just our tiny corner of it, there truly is hope that things can change for the better

Top 5 Animal Psychics Predict to be
Extinct Within 25 years

Top 5 animal psychics predict extinction
Source: 2022 Survey

Are we heading for Earth's sixth massive extinction?

Earth's sixth extinction
Source: 2022 Survey

Will the Earth's temperatures continue to rise over the next 25 years?

Will we be able to upload our consciousness to the cloud in the next 25 years?

Will natural disaster frequency continue to rise over the next 25 years?

Are we going through a massive shift in global consciousness?
Will earths temperature continue to rise? will natural disaster frequency continue to rise?
Source: 2022 Survey

Which cities will be unliveable within the next 25 years?

Which cities will be unliveable?
psychic hand
Source: 2022 Survey

For the psychics, the future of Earth is both despairing and optimistic. Some of the world’s most unique animals face a bleak future: psychics predicted the Black Rhino (40%), Sunda Tiger (29%), Yangtze Porpoise (27%), Sumatran Rhino (26%), and African forest elephant (23%) will all be extinct in the next 25 years..

What’s in store for the economy?

With every shift in the political landscape, there is a reaction in the nation’s economy. Keeping up with the ebbs and flows of the economy is an almost impossible task, but there are warning signs and indicators that help. What signs do our psychics see ahead for the U.S. economy?

Economic Predictions

Will the United States have a stronger or weaker economy in 25 years?

Will the US economy be stronger?
Source: 2022 Survey
Nearly 30% of psychics predict the housing market will crash in 2023.
Will the housing market crash? will the inflation rate go up?
In 25 years, psychics predict the annual inflation rate of the United States will be 8.74

In 25 years, psychics predict the average price of milk to be $8.00
Will gas and milk prices go up?
In 25 years, psychics predict the average price of gas to be $7.50
Source: 2022 Survey

One large factor of the economy is the housing market. With low supply and pandemic predicaments raising housing prices over the past three years, 30% of our psychics predicted the housing market will crash in 2023. Psychics also predicted rising costs everywhere due to inflation, with the cost of milk predicted at $8.00 in 25 years.

Will the United States fall as the major world power within the next 25 years?

Will the United States fail as a world power?
Source: 2022 Survey

Even with rising prices and the continuing depreciation of the U.S. dollar, 58% of psychics predicted that America will have a stronger economy in 25 years. The global market, however, didn’t fare as well, with nearly 62% of psychics predicting the United States will fall as a major world power within the next 25 years.

Will there be mass adoption of a global digitized currency in the next 25 years?

Will there be mass adoption of a global digitized currency in the next 25 years?

Will the wealth gap continue to increase over the next 25 years?

Will the wealth gap will continue to increase over the next 25 years?

Will there be mass adoption of a global digitized currency in the next 25 years? Will the wealth gap will continue to increase over the next 25 years?

Will the United States adopt a social credit system within the next 25 years?

Will the United States adopt a social credit system within the next 25 years?

Will supply chain issues continue to get worse within the next 25 years?

Will supply chain issues continue to get worse within the next 25 years?
Will the United States adopt a social credit system within the next 25 years? Will supply chain issues continue to get worse within the next 25 years?
Source: 2022 Survey

The global market is expected to change in other ways, as well. Nearly 70% of psychics predicted mass adoption of a global digitized currency in the next 25 years. With cryptocurrency gaining popularity, one could say the world is already closer to this significant economic change.

Gauging the political climate

If there is one sector of the country bringing negativity to the forefront of the headlines, it is the political sphere. Partisanship, mud-slinging, riots, investigations, protests, and endless bickering have become the norm in American politics. What does the future hold for the government and who do our psychics think will take control of Capitol Hill?

Political Predictions

Who will win the 2024 presidential election?

Who will win the 2024 presidential election?
*Displaying only the top 5 nominees*
Source: 2022 Survey

Who will win the 2022 House elections?

Who will win the 2022 House elections?

Who will win the 2022 Senate elections?

Who will win the 2022 Senate elections?
Who will win the 2022 House and Senate elections?
Source: 2022 Survey

With less than two months until midterm elections, the topic of House and Senate control is dominating headlines. Our psychics predicted a sweeping shift of party control; 63% predicted Republicans will take over the House, and 54% predicted Republicans will take control of the Senate. Beyond midterms, 26% of psychics predicted Donald Trump as the winner of the 2024 presidential election, giving the Republican Party a full election sweep.

political predictions
Nearly 50% of psychics predict we will not see a new political party rise to power within the next 25 years.

Will there be a woman president in the United States within the next 25 years?

Will there be a woman president in the United States within the next 25 years?
Source: 2022 Survey

Not only did our psychics predict a shifting of power in the upcoming U.S. elections, but 50% predicted a new political party will emerge within the next 25 years, and 92% predicted there will be a female president within the next 25 years. More than half our psychics also predicted global changes in politics, including China overtaking the U.S. as a world superpower.

Will the United States engage in war with China in the next 25 years?

Will the United States engage in war with China in the next 25 years?

Will China and Russia join powers in the next 25 years?

Will China and Russia join powers in the next 25 years?
Will the United States engage in war with China and Russia in the next 25 years?
Source: 2022 Survey

Will the United States be under civil surveillance within the next 25 years?

Will the United States be under civil surveillance within the next 25 years?

Will China's GDP surpass America’s GDP within 25 years?

Will China's GDP surpass America’s GDP within 25 years?
Source: 2022 Survey

Of course, politics extends beyond the capital into the everyday lives of citizens, and many view the political sector as increasingly intrusive and overreaching. Our psychics predicted the overreach will only get worse with 48% saying the U.S. will be under civil surveillance within the next 25 years.

Quotes from Our Psychics

There will be two futures, as some people will rise to the 5th dimension, others will be left behind in the 3rd. People that exercise higher conscience will have a beautiful future, those left in 3rd dimension will be left to suffer difficult spiritual lessons.


There will be a major clash between the powers of light and dark. This will lead to great hardship, followed by a time of enhanced spirituality and enlightenment.


I feel that we are headed into a time of significant change. Yes, our spiritual and global consciousness is improving. But we are still a very unadvanced people as a whole, and quite immature. In a thousand years there will be much less unnecessary suffering like guns, wars, and violence - but we will still have natural disasters to deal with. This is why work on climate change is so important right now.


We still have the ability to change things with our free will/choices. Not everything has to be set in stone. We are our own captains of our journeys.


If we work together we can create a safe and amazing world.


Source: 2022 Survey

The future is up to us

The world can be a scary place: volatile politics, a fluctuating economy, changing climate, and dying species can leave one feeling defeated and helpless. But it need not be so. While some predictions gained a majority, not one answer was unanimous–a reminder that the future is still ahead of us.

At the end of the day, all psychics are subject to limits just like every other human and they all possess different levels of abilities and gifts. Psychics can only speak to what they see, and although it’s far deeper and clearer than what we can see, it’s still limited. Being human, they don’t know everything.

If there is one sure prediction, it is that each of us has an inner power that we can choose to use for good. If we shift to a global consciousness, work together, and take care of one another, we will have more control over the future than we realize. As psychic Hope said, “We still have the ability to change things with our free will/choices. Not everything is set in stone. We are our own captains of our journeys."


We surveyed 100 psychics from asking them to predict the outcome of pop culture, economic, political, and ecological events. Among them, 11% were male, 89% were female, and 5% identified as non-binary. Respondents comprised the following generational breakdown: 30% millennials, 41% Gen X, and 29% baby boomers.

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